Principal Investigator

Gitanjali Kolhatkar Headshot-modified

Dr. Gitanjali Kolhatkar

Assistant Professor

Dr. Gitanjali Kolhatkar is an Assistant Professor in the department Engineering Physics at McMaster University. Her research interests and core expertise include investigating the structure-function relations in a variety of materials for applications in photovoltaics, memory devices, smart sensors, and artificial synapses, and their characterization via near-field and Raman spectroscopy.

  • Visiting Professor, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany (2019)
  • Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow, Kiel University, Germany (2019-2022)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, INRS-EMT, Canada (2015-2019)
  • Ph.D. , Electrical Engineering, University of Sherbrooke, Canada  (2014)
  • M.Sc., Physics, University of Ottawa, Canada  (2010)
  • B.Sc., Physics, University of Ottawa, Canada  (2008)

Team Members

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Gabriel Lonuzzo

Gabriel is a fourth-year Engineering Physics major at McMaster University. He is fascinated by exploring how materials can mimic brain activity to facilitate machine learning and is excited to be involved in research that will develop, test, and characterize them. Gabriel also has a profound interest in how these technologies will affect society and the related philosophical questions and ethical issues associated with artificial intelligence systems.



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Emma Burdon

Emma is a 6th year Engineering Physics and Society Major at McMaster University.  She is excited to learn more about the synthesis of ferroelectric materials and how they are able to be used in the creation of artificial synapses. Additionally, she is interested in the environmental impact of these devices and their ability to make computers more energy efficient.




Benjamin Price (2023-2024) | Undergraduate researcher, Engineering Physics and Society Major, McMaster University

Alexander Vicol (2023-2024) | Undergraduate researcher, Mathematics and Physics Major, McMaster University