Kolhatkar Nanotechnology Laboratory
Tapping into the secrets of the nanotechnological applications of novel materials to build new technology.
Welcome to the Kolhatkar Nanotechnology Laboratory (KNL)!
The Kolhatkar Nanotechnology Laboratory aims to develop energy efficient smart materials mimicking the human brain’s ability for pattern recognition and self-learning.
What We Do
The KNL of Professor Gitanjali Kolhatkar, in the department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University, combines advanced characterization techniques and material synthesis to understand the interplay between material nanostructure and macroscopic characteristics. We develop smart devices and tune them to specific applications such as neuromorphic computing, energy harvesting, and sensors, creating the next generation of nanotechnology.
“We focus on CMOS-compatible ferroelectric materials, in which a resistance change can be induced to directly emulate human brain synapse behavior while performing cognitive tasks.”

Gitanjali Kolhatkar
Smart materials for synapses, self-organized learning and pattern recognition, and their nanoscale imaging
Here’s a presentation on our research on smart materials for neuromorphic computing given at the Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research (BIMR) seminar of McMaster.
In this talk, we present how ferroelectric materials can be exploited in artificial synapses, capable of performing cognitive tasks like the human brain. We then show how these devices performances can be improved by understanding the material’s nanostructure using state-of-the-art imaging techniques. With this knowledge, we will be able to fabricate highly efficient artificial synapses that will be exploited in the next generation of highly energy efficient computers.
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in working with the team, or if you have other professional inquiries.